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CREIA Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Position

The California Real Estate Inspection Association Takes an Official Position Recommending Photoelectric Smoke Alarms: 

The California Real Estate Inspection Association's Official Position is to:

Recommend ONLY Photoelectric Smoke Detectors/Alarms

RESOLVED, That CREIA support the mandate of only photoelectric smoke detectors in California law and in all standard development organizations' building fire and life safety codes and standards.

That CREIA support the installation of only photoelectric smoke detectors in all residential housing.

And that CREIA does NOT Recommend Combination Alarms

WHEREAS, dual alarms, also known as combination alarms, contain both technologies are available, the benefit over photoelectric in the response to fires is marginal. They are more costly, and they will experience the same nuisance problem as ionization smoke alarms.

Adopted:  Jan. 2011


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